Research Plan – April 2018
So much for updating once a week! At this rate, I’ll be lucky to update once a month. For this post, I thought I’d go over what I’m hoping to accomplish for the rest of the month. I’m prepping for Genealogy Jamboree in June, which means tidying up my various genealogy websites! I’m currently trying to get my family history site looking nice, adding photos and documents, etc. and trying to get the layout to look not TOO out of date.
Pennsylvania Genealogies by William Henry Egle
Notes First edition: 1886. Second edition: 1896. Includes an index of surnames.
The Pioneers of Mifflin County by John Martin Stroup and Raymond Martin Bell
The Genesis of Mifflin County, Pennsylvania by John Martin Stroup and Raymond Martin Bell
Notes There’s also a 1957 reprint version with additional info from the Mifflin County Historical Society.
Historical Souvenir of Lewistown, Penna by the Old Home Week Committee
In the Seven Mountains by Henry Shoemaker