
From Generation to Generation by Arthur Kurzweil

From Generation to Generation by Arthur KurzweilFrom Generation to Generation: How To Trace Your Jewish Genealogy And Family History by Arthur Kurzweil
Published by Jossey-Bass (2004)
Format: Hardcover, 400 pp
Topics: Professional Development, Jewish Research
Get your own copy from: Amazon

Since it was first published in 1980, From Generation to Generation has inspired thousands to pursue the unique challenges and rewards of Jewish genealogy. Far more engaging than a mere how-to reference guide, this landmark book is also part detective story and part spiritual quest. As Arthur Kurzweil takes you along on his own fascinating journey through his family's past, you'll learn about the tools, techniques, and the step-by-step process of Jewish genealogical research - including the most current information on using the Internet and the newly accessible archives of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. But even more, after reading this fully updated, revised, and beloved classic, you will undoubtedly be inspired to embark on a genealogical quest of your own!


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